all photos: Garzke/Franova



A master's degree work about looping, popular "frontloop specials" in various windsurf magazines, and of course lots of practical experience: If there is anybody in the world of windsurfing who deserves being named "Dr. Loop", it's for sure German wave enthusiast Peter Garzke.

For magazine Peter describes the crucial moments of the classic (Robby Naish did it ages ago), but nevertheless still dreaded push loop. And don't forget: You can do it, too!

Make sure you have a lot of wind and speed – you want pressure on the backhand! Note: The steeper the wave, the better. Donīt head into the wind too much, otherwise you overrotate.

Go up steep and make sure you bring up your fin right above you.

Throw your weight back once you take off. Rotate before you stop going up.

Donīt push your sail into the wind like doing a goiter. Let yourself getting pulled by the sail, as it is the clew of the sail pointing into the wind, that pulls you around.

Before reaching the peak of the jump, look back somewhere between the beach, the water and your masttop, while you are hanging upside down.

When you are going down again... find yourself on top of the equipment. Push your boomend down towards the water to finish your rotation. If you overrotate sheet in to stop the rotation.

Never let go. If you crash, keep the boom away. Donīt put your knees into the sail, otherwise you rip it… Good luck!


text: Peter Garzke, photos: Garzke/Franova Đ windgirls 2006